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What we're about


In a competitive research environment, Light Stream Labs focuses on bringing to researchers exploring the field of laser or FEL interaction with matter, original solutions to measure the characteristics of produced electromagnetic or particle radiations. Whether your lab is a veteran in the field or just starting, with our systems that are positioned upstream and dowstream of the interaction point, you will be able to obtain reliable, calibrated, state-of-the-art measurements that rely on robust solutions with minimum adjustement and thus you won't be wasting your time in a long set up and calibration.

Born from tens of years of expertise at the best level and carried out in high intensity laser labs, we are able to offer you a full suite of target, plasma shaping and diagnostics systems to allow you to focus on the production and characterization of your desired plasma systems, without having to reinvent the wheel.

Our systems have been designed have be fielded, tested, and optimized on all the most advanced high intensity laser and XFEL experimental platforms.  By the precision and reliability they allow, they have been used to obtain top-notch data and uncover previously unaccessible phenomenons that have lead to high impact publications (Nature, Science, Phys. Rev. Lett., etc). Our constant involvement with the most advanced research carried out in the best labs allow us moreover to make you benefit from live-stream updates and improvements in our systems which stay tuned at the forefront of scientific and technical knowledge. 


General Atomics: targets, micro-machining, and engineering design

Titan Labs LLC.: streak cameras and large format CCD cameras

Royalarch LLC.: vacuum chambers and vaccum systems







4110 Park Blvd

Palo Alto, CA 94306





Numerical Simulation Services


3D Hybrid HED Plasma Simulation

We use a hybrid model that includes the dynamics of magnetic fields, which is able to model advection by the ion flow, Hall effect, magnetic field generation by the Biermann battery effect, Weibel instability to name a few.

Synthetic Proton Radiography

Our post-processor model can images simulate short pulse laser driven proton radiography.

We are committed to the advancement of science and half the work is undoubtedly technical. In the realm of laser and plasma physics, we have the expertise and the savoir-faire, based on cumulated tens of years in optimizing and testing systems in the lab, to help you succeed in your next endeavors. Most of our systems come also with state-of-the-art analysis software in option to provide you the measurement you are looking for, without the hassle of deconvolving raw data. For more information about our warranty, click here.


  • Targets:

  • Detectors: Refurbished Streak Cameras X Titan Labs LLC.

    • There are very few providers of these unique systems that allow down to sub-ps resolution analysis of light emissions: Hamamatsu, Kentech (in the X-ray band), Optronis, and Sydor. Their sytems, or others, like the ones produced by the former Hadland company, are however available on the market when labs shift priorities and move on to new activities. We can retrofit these systems for you, equipping them with up-to-date parts, calibrate them in time and space for you and offer a guarantee, all at an unbeatable price compared to a new system, for an equivalent performance -starting at around 60 k$

  • Plasma shaping systems:

    • Compact, passive ion energy selectors, down to 1% bandwidth, from tens of keV to hundreds of MeV -starting at around 25 k$

    • Low-cost Plasma Mirrors for high-rep rate lasers with optical quality substrate and sol-gel anti-reflection coating technology.

  • Diagnostics:

    • 2D-space and time-resolved particle or X-ray radiography systems (with ps and micron resolutions) -starting at around 10 k$

    • XUV broadband spectrometry, 1D-space resolved and spectrally resolved; in use on the major facilities, this compact diagnostic will allow you to measure Planckian emission to infer the plasma temperature. Using passive image plate as detector in its baseline design, it can be easily coupled to a streak camera for temporal resolution -starting at around 20 k$

    • X-ray line spectrometers (around 1 keV photon energies), 1D-space resolved and spectrally resolved. Using passive image plate as detector in its baseline design, it can be easily coupled to a streak camera for temporal resolution -starting at around 10 k$

    • X-ray imagers (2D-space resolved, time-integrated). Using passive image plate as detector in its baseline design, it can be easily coupled to a gated imager for temporal resolution -starting at around 15 k$

    • Proton and Electron Spectrometers including Thomson Parabolas to resolved various ion species in energies (from tens of keV to hundreds of MeV) -starting at around 20 k$

    • Neutron time-of-flight spectrometers

    • Light Spectrometers, in the visible or infrared, with or without interferometric systems coupled to them to allow you to analyze plasma self-emission, plasma expansion, or laser beam evolution -starting at around 10 k$

    • 2D-space resolved laser interferometric systems to measure plasma density -starting at around 5 k$

    • 1D space and time-resolved light interferometers -starting at around 25 k$

    • 2D space and time-resolved light imaging or plasma emission imaging systems (with down to 5 ps temporal resolution) -starting at around 250 k$

    • Multiplexed, 1D-space and time-resolved Thomson scattering systems for plasma density and temperature characterization -starting at around 250 k$


If you are looking for systems that are not listed here to measure a particular parameter, or to shape in a particular way light or particle beams, send us an email and we will likely work something based on our broad experience and expertise, out or point you to another contact of ours.


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