In a competitive research environment, Light Stream Labs focuses on bringing to researchers exploring the field of laser or FEL interaction with matter, original solutions to measure the characteristics of produced electromagnetic or particle radiations. Whether your lab is a veteran in the field or just starting, with our systems that are positioned upstream and dowstream of the interaction point, you will be able to obtain reliable, calibrated, state-of-the-art measurements that rely on robust solutions with minimum adjustement and thus you won't be wasting your time in a long set up and calibration.

Born from tens of years of expertise at the best level and carried out in top labs, Light Stream Labs is able to offer you a full suite of target, plasma shaping and diagnostics systems to allow you to focus on the production and characterization of your desired plasma systems, without having to reinvent the wheel.

With Light Stream Labs, you can not only benefit from the most advanced systems in the field that are custom-designed to your particular needs, but you'll also benefit from software solutions that allow you to access real-time values of the desired parameters.

Our systems have been designed in the most expert high-power laser labs, and have be fielded, tested, and optimized on all the most advanced existing experimental platforms (LULI, RAL, LLNL, LCLS, ILE, etc).  By the precision and reliability they allow, they have been used to obtain top-notch data and uncover previously unaccessible phenomenons that have lead to publications in the very best journals (Nature,  Science, Phys. Rev. Lett., etc). Our PhDs in plasma and laser physics come from varied horizons and are backed with senior top-experts in the field which feedback us on the best ways to constantly improve our systems. Our constant involvement with the most advanced research carried out in the best labs allow us moreover to make you benefit from live-stream updates and improvements in our systems which stay tuned at the forefront of scientific and technical knowledge.